Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I'm an idiot!
So, I still haven't done much on my thesis. I really have no idea what my problem is...other than I am SO burnt out from school. I just want to be done and get a job! Aah! I'm frustrated with myself, because I have just made my summer a stressful one, because I will have to write my thesis while I am home. My deadline is now mid August. Damn it!
I head back to the States on June 9th. That means I have under two weeks and then I am back in Seattle again! Wow! I haven't been home for over a year and a half! I am bringing my rollerblades home with me so I can get out around Green Lake, Alki or the Burke Gilman. I totally miss that. There are way too many bricks in the roads here and many of the good paths are not paved, so it is difficult to find a good place to least around here. There are some nice places around Copenhagen.
Did you know Danes talk about the weather a lot? It's not surprising. The weather around here is crazy. It was totally hot a few weeks ago, now it is cold and rainy. Today, it is rather warm, but the clouds are dark and with the size of the hail that just pattered against the kitchen window, I wouldn't be surprised if there is some thunder rolling in. It makes it difficult to decide when is it a good time to get outside to take a walk or ride my bike. I was nearly ready to go out when it started to rain again. I really want to get out to take some pictures of the fields of yellow raps flowers and wheat. It is amazing when the sun is shining right down on it. I'll see if I can get a dry run today.
I'm off to the post office now. I have to return a book that is way overdue and it is reserved...sorry for them.
I head back to the States on June 9th. That means I have under two weeks and then I am back in Seattle again! Wow! I haven't been home for over a year and a half! I am bringing my rollerblades home with me so I can get out around Green Lake, Alki or the Burke Gilman. I totally miss that. There are way too many bricks in the roads here and many of the good paths are not paved, so it is difficult to find a good place to least around here. There are some nice places around Copenhagen.
Did you know Danes talk about the weather a lot? It's not surprising. The weather around here is crazy. It was totally hot a few weeks ago, now it is cold and rainy. Today, it is rather warm, but the clouds are dark and with the size of the hail that just pattered against the kitchen window, I wouldn't be surprised if there is some thunder rolling in. It makes it difficult to decide when is it a good time to get outside to take a walk or ride my bike. I was nearly ready to go out when it started to rain again. I really want to get out to take some pictures of the fields of yellow raps flowers and wheat. It is amazing when the sun is shining right down on it. I'll see if I can get a dry run today.
I'm off to the post office now. I have to return a book that is way overdue and it is reserved...sorry for them.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

On Easter, we took a little Sunday outing south of Aalborg. We drove by the Rebild hills, the site of where Denmark celebrates the 4th of July. It was so interesting and sad to see the hills so bare...and weird to think that the Husky Band had been there! I think the landscape is very beautiful and very unique.

Whoa! It's been a while since I have written in my blog. I've been quite busy in the last month. An amazing amount of events have taken place in my life, and definitely for the better! First of all, I no longer live in Aalborg! Yup! I have moved in with a man and it's great! I live closer to Aarhus now, which I like, because I feel like I am closer to the rest of the world. It takes a little less time to get to Copenhagen and to Fan�, too. It's a nice little town where I live...surrounded by lots of farmlands and some beautiful forests. I regret I won't be here during the summer. I will be heading back to Seattle for a few months at the start of June. I'll stay long enough in Seattle to enjoy the first Husky football game! Maybe they'll win one! Anyway, I'll be sure to update some more soon. Here is a picture of an apple that I found fascinating...wouldn't it be great if we could eat an apple like that?!