It was a wonderfully lazy Saturday morning where we no one was interested in moving very fast. But I was suddenly inspired by the many cooking shows on the teley and decided to whip together some big, flat pancakes, similar to the Swedish ones my mom makes, but without the cardamom. They were enjoyed by Anne and Dave with fillings such as peanut butter, lemon curd (which I later bought a jar of), bacon and syrup.
I had a feeling I wouldn't be served beans on toast at Anne and Daves, and wasn't surprised to find this typical Dutch breakfast sprinkles on the table. I had actually tasted it a few years earlier while visiting Marieke in Aarhus!

After breakfast, we headed into town where we visited the Ikon museum. It had several exhibits of modern art that were more and less enjoyable than each other. This shows some of the exterior (yet enclosed in the glass addition) of the museum building.

One of the exhibits included a game that involved the use of words and language. Anne got the point quickly being the linguistics expert she is. I liked the look of the green chalkboards and the neat writing of words in many languages on the boards.
Walking along the canals in Birmingham...the same one that goes by Anne's university! This is a very nice area of the city!

We ate lunch at this fine restaurant called Pennyblacks. Anne and Dave show their public displays of affection! :)
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