Saturday, August 12, 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Road Rage!!!
American drivers are really getting on my nerves!! I come in contact with so many slow drivers in the left lane!! What are they doing there and why don't they stay right when traffic signs say "SLOW TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT!" UGGGHHH!! It is so frustrating! It's not up to the slow drivers to monitor my speed! That is my responsibility! It is as if they do that purposely to annoy me and other drivers that respect the rules of the road by keeping right unless to pass. I miss driving the Autobahn where drivers follow the rules of the road!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Missing Denmark....
It has been so nice being home and doing things with the family and my friends again. It means a lot to be a part of activities that I have missed out on over the past couple years. But....I can tell you, when there is someone back in Denmark who I love and miss so much, I realize where I need and want to be and that (as I heard at a wedding I was just recently at) it is time to take flight from the roots that are planted in the USA and to spread them back to Denmark and to my wonderful boyfriend Jan and his sweet son, Michael.

Michael and Annelise, March 2006
Jan playing out in the Danish fields with his friend Kaare and their scooters. Look at the fun he is having without me! But when I get back to Denmark again, I have a scooter waiting for me to ride!! So very European, don't you think?!
The weather has been extremely HOT in Denmark. Michael was so sweet to suggest to his grandmother to pack a cooler with cold drinks for his Dad and Kaare and drive out on his little crosser out in the fields to where his dad was waiting.