Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Muslim lands are boycotting Danish products, because of an "offensive" drawing of Muhammed printed in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten (www.jp.dk) on September 30, 2005. They want an apology from the paper for disrespecting their "oh!-so-mighty-one". According to their holy book, the Koran, it doesn't allow for any cartoon drawings disrespecting their Muhammed. Well, the paper apologized for offending them, but they did not apologize for printing it, as they shouldn't. They have the write to express their opinions...it is the freedom of speech!
If the Muslims boycott Danish products, then I will buy more Danish and avoid anything from the Middle East. I am sick and tired of such religions that create havoc on harmless, peaceful lands...especially when Islams have taken advantage of the welfare offered by the Danish state.
Fight for the freedom of speech! BUY DANISH!!
(Legos, Carlsberg beer, havarti cheese, Lurpak butter, B&O electronics, NovoNordisk pharmaceuticals, ham & pork, Royal Copenhagen porcelain, candles...)
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006

I was creative and used iron-ons on a black t-shirt! I made this front breast design from graphics I found online, and of course the back was used from the printable poster I got online from the Seattle Times! Yeah! And I will wear a light green scarf, just like the color of the knit caps they all wear at the games!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006

After several days with snow and stormy weather, I headed out today to take pictures in the beautiful afternoon sun. Just about everything outside was covered in snow and ice and many plants were beginning to "shed" their ice like a snake does their skin, leaving a perfect mold of what it once encased. (Sunday, January 22)
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Go Hawks!
This is totally great! They are broadcasting the Seahawks game live here in Denmark. The crazy thing is, I am seeing the game more live than my parents are watching it 25 miles from the game! I can call a touchdown/completed pass/ interception/ whatever about 4 seconds before my parents see it on their t.v.! It is totally crazy!
It's the 2.00 minute warning. And the Seahawks are ahead, 20 - 10! This is so great! Keep up the defence!
Alright!! The Hawks won!! I think that is amazing for a Washington team! Too bad for the Redskins...NOT!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Friday the 13th
I have been wanting a tripod for my camera for a long time and today I finally broke down and got one. I asked some of the guys at the fotoklub if they had any recommendations, and they all agreed that the best was Manfrotto...an Italian brand. I was stressed about their price, but after I went to the InFoto downtown, they showed me a great Manfrotto that is compact, durable, and it was on sale. I had my camera with me so I could try it out. I liked that it was a simple set-up, could get pretty high, and it is possible to buy head attchements, for example, if I get a heavier camera one day or want to stick a flash and umbrella on it. I'm not that much of an advanced photographer, so I think this one is going to serve me just fine...probably for the rest of my life! Now I just need to get to know my camera a little better so that I can take great night photography and time-lapsed photos. I have the users manual around here somewhere....
Monday, January 02, 2006

Tjeld and Chili sitting outside my window. It is so cute to see them out there waiting for me to come outside and say hello. On this day, Chili was more interested in finding a way to get in the house to get away from the kids who were lighting fireworks before Xmas. It is usually Tjeld that regularly greets me at my window.