Tuesday, May 31, 2005
This is a square in Amsterdam with lots of cafes and restaurants. Anne took me to a improv comedy club Thursday night, which you can see straight ahead in the middle of the picture. It was called Boom Chicago! Started by Americans about 10 years ago who now live in Amsterdam and use the cultures of both countries very well in their improv acts!
This is the front of Anne Frank's house, which was actually the building where her father had a pectin manufacturing company. It was behind this building where the annex was, and where Anne and 7 others hid for nearly two years before someone revealed their presence in hiding. It was interesting to see the documents from Bergen-Beltsen (sp?) that showed the list of prisoners admitted to the camp. Anne's name was written down as 'Anneliese Marie Frank'... that is very close to my name... 'Annelise Maren'...kind of an interesting, I thought.