Friday, October 01, 2004

It's getting cold...

The weather here in Aalborg definately feels like even smells like fall. It smells like it's time to go trick-or-treating. I even saw the first pumpkins of the season today, and they were actually orange! I would have bought one, but because I don't have a basket on my bike, I really have to plan in advance when I am out shopping. It would not be easy to ride and carry a fat pumpkin under my arm and try to make it up the hill on my street. I will go back maybe tomorrow and try. They also had some very cute tea sets with Danish flags on them for only 5 kroner a cup or plate, or cup and saucer. I bought two cups with saucers, but I think I should have at least a set of 4 or know, a new tradition to use on someone's birthday...until I have a full tea set of Royal Copenhagen Musselmalet! :) But 350 kr a plate or 5 kr a plate...I think I can live with Danish flags for now! :)

Fortunately the weather has been a crisp cool with primarily blue skys, and actually some mild winds. This part of the country is incredibly windy, and it makes for some tough cycling. And then if it is raining, too...well, there isn't much you can do but keep biking to where you need to go and be tough. There will always be dry clothes at home to change into...even if it is after sitting through a lecture.

Last week, I noticed on my way to class, along the bike path, a high cement drain, maybe a bunker, where several good sized zucchinis were placed. On my way home, I realized there were several missing. The next time I saw some sitting there, I decided that if there were any there on my way back from class, I would take one. So, I did! My mom always has lots of zucchini from her garden this time of year, so it was nice to have one to decide what I would do with it. It wasn't big enough to make my mom's delicious Greek mussaka. And I couldn't make zucchini pancakes, because they don't have bisquick here. So, I found a great recipe for chocolate zucchine cake, and I had exactly 3/4 cups of my semi-sweet chocolate chips left to use as suggested by the recipe. It turned out delicious, and even tastes great with a bit of creme fraiche on the side! So moist and yummy!

Today I got my hair trimmed for the first time in 8 months. My hair had grown out longer than it has been since 10th grade! That's like...11 years! I am actually glad I waited, because I found an affordable salon and it only cost 125 kroner for the cut. That's pretty good compared to the 350 kroner a friend paid for her cut. I didn't need the shampoo wash or the extra hair spray when I probably wouldn't like the way they style it anyway. My "stylist" was a Palestinian man. He said that he had lived a little while in Wisconsin and Illionois when he was 5 years old, but then his family had to leave, because they couldn't get a resident permit, so they came to Denmark. He thinks it's boring here and hopes to leave one day. It's actually pretty hard for immigrants/refugees in Denmark to feel welcome, because the Danes are so new at having foreign cultures in their land, that they come across quite rascist. But you know, I wonder how hard the immigrants try to be a part of the Danish culture? My Danish was better than this guy's who had been living here for at least 10 years.

Anyway, it's now quite early in the morning and I must get some sleep. Goodnight and so long for now! Knus!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voglio una vita...spericolata...voglio una vita come steeve mcQuiiiiinnnnnnnnn....di quelle che nn dormi maaaaaaaaaaaaiiii...voglio una voglio piena di guuuaaaaiii...eeeee...e poi ci incontreremo come le star.a bere del wiskey al roxy bar.....

Vasco Rossi

October 19, 2004 12:44 PM  

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