Sunday, June 19, 2005

Nordic Nights

Oh my goodness! I do not have the ability to describe in the detail it should be described how wonderful the summer nights in Denmark can be!!! To come home after midnight from a night with friends and to see light still along the northwest horizon, is amazing. I love it! It does make for difficult exam time when you know you work best at night, but when it is 11:00 p.m. and it is still very light out, it's hard to feel like I should be working, but I have managed anyway. I don't have a choice! I am just about finished with my last paper for this semester and then I have to start preparing for a presentation...which I have started preparing in my mind, but need to get a good layout going and probably see what power point can do for me.

It's also a very sad time of year. So many of my good friends from this past year are all moving back home or going off to their internships. There have been several good-bye parties and it's just hard to imagine they will be gone when I will be staying here. I am glad my family will be coming to Denmark, though. Then I won't feel so lonely, and I hope to get a job (I finally got my work permit yesterday), so that I can save some money to travel to visit my friends and also to offset some of my loan debt.

This week is Skt. Hans, the official witch-burning ceremony in Denmark. I am hoping (MARIEKE!!) that we will drive up to Blokhus (along the west coast) for the occasion. I think we should make a day out of it and pack a picnic and hmm...I have a tent and a sleeping bag! It would be a great time to spend together before the last group heads out of Aalborg.

Well, it is a nice sunny day today, so I will see if I can work on my tan a little more...and then finish editing my paper and start my presentation preperation. Tonight, the grill will be lighted! Danes really like their old fashioned charcoal grills...I think it is because it is a long and dirty and smelly process to ignite that they like it so much. When I am permanently settled in DK, I am investing in a good Weber gas grill...I like instant heat and I want to be able to grill all year long!


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